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What is a Move Manager and What Do They Do?


Updated: Jun 20, 2022

If this is your first time working with a Professional Organizer or Move Manager, you may be wondering what to expect. Read on! We've got your covered!

Moving is commonly listed among the most stressful life events, and is often high on these lists because moving can so frequently occur in conjunction with other stressful life events such as a job change, divorce, death of a family member, marriage or having children.

So what is a Move Manager and what do they do to alleviate some of this stress?

According to NASMM (National Association of Specialty & Senior Move Managers,) a Move Manager...

"assists older adults, individuals, and families with downsizing, relocation or simplifying their homes."

A few examples of tasks an Element of Fun Organizing Move Manager can help with are...

  1. Planning a moving time line

  2. Decluttering services

  3. Downsizing advice and planning

  4. Coordinating with movers and moving companies

  5. Purchasing packing supplies

  6. Scheduling pick ups for large donations or trash

  7. Coordinating paper shredding services

  8. Packing boxes

  9. Guiding your family (including furry family members) through the move process

  10. Moving day oversight

  11. Unpacking and organizing

  12. Continued organizing maintenance in your new home

Now that you know more about what a Move Manager does, let's talk about how we can relieve the stress in your move! Schedule your free 15 minute introduction call here.

You can also learn more about how can help by reading the related post, What is a Professional Organizer and What Do They Do?

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