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Designing a Home Command Center


Your dishes are in the cabinet and the granola is in the pantry, but how do you know what you need at the store, what came in the mail (or home from school), and which events are coming up? A home command center is a convenient place to gather, display, and store that “household intelligence” so you can keep it all straight. Everyone gets access to it, and everyone contributes to it — taking the mental load off just one person to handle everything. It’s a fantastic tool for families, roommates, couples, and caregivers!

Essential Components of a Home Command Center

A home command center gives you one designated place to temporarily store a ton of information to help the home run smoothly. It ideally creates individual responsibility for sharing and reviewing information, so everyone is kept in the know. The basic setup includes the following:

  • Calendar – A calendar that lists the upcoming activities and commitments of everyone in the home is a really efficient tool for time management. You could include holidays, travel, meetings, appointments, practices, and more.

  • Receiving – If you don’t have a central location for all the new information (mail, flyers, team schedules, etc.) that come into your home, they could end up anywhere, and important information might be missed. A letter tray, designated shelf, etc. could be used to hold these items until they are reviewed. Of course, they need to be routinely cleaned out!

  • Important Notices and Reminders – Ideally, you want to have a place to post important notes and reminders. A magnetic board or corkboard does the trick, as does tape or Post-it notes on other surfaces.

Additional Elements You May Want to Include

  • A Chore Chart – Even the most responsible of us can lose track of when a task needs to be done. If you’ve ever noticed a plant starting to wilt (i.e. crying for water), you know what I mean! A chore chart lets you assign chores to yourself, your roommates, or your kids to ensure that everyone is doing their part to keep your home tidy and clean…and your plants remain alive.

  • Meal Plan - How many times have you heard "Moooooom! What's for dinner?" Now you can direct them to the meal plan! Plus, it makes creating the grocery list a lot simpler.

  • Grocery List – When your kids (or partner or adult roommates) contribute to the grocery list, it’s not just helpful, it’s empowering! Of course, not everyone will get what they want every time, but having the list opens up conversations about healthy choices, frugal choices, priorities, and special requests. By having these discussions BEFORE the shopping bags come home, everyone knows what to expect and can plan accordingly.

  • Personalization – A command center is a great place to express yourself and recognize achievements. You can post affirmations, positive/motivational quotes, photos, goals, and achievements. It can be purely practical, have an air of fun, or give off whatever aesthetic vibe you desire!

  • Tools and Gear – Your command center should include everything you need for it to be functional and organized. You don’t want it to turn into a chaotic drop zone! Here are a few things that keep the space purposeful.

    • Cork/Magnetic/Dry Erase/Chalk Board

    • Pencil/Pen/Marker Box or Tray

    • Hooks for Keys, Handbags, Backpacks, Gym Bags, Briefcases, Totes, etc.

OK, I’m Sold! Where Do I Start?

When it comes to organizing, I am a huge proponent of working with what you have. A command center doesn’t have to involve an elaborate setup. But, for those who want something already made for the task, there are both physical and digital options that work really well.

  • Physical Options – If you prefer an analog command center, there are tons of products that can help you get started. Take a look at  1Thrive, Wayfair, Pottery Barn,  or The Container Store for inspiration. Maybe you’ll find something you want to use, or maybe you’ll realize you have exactly what you need tucked away in a closet somewhere just waiting to be utilized!

  • Digital Options – If you like to streamline things with tech, you might want something like the touchscreen Skylight Calendar in your command center. You can also sync individual calendars or use productivity apps like Asana.

Organizing for Productivity

Having the right setup can go a long way to maintaining order in your home. Our team of professional organizers can help you create a home command center so you can minimize the stress of home management. Just Schedule a Complimentary Introduction Call so you can share your vision!

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