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Getting Organized Myths Debunked (3 of 4): "I Can Just Pay Someone to Organize."

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

In this series of posts, I'm debunking 4 common myths people and businesses tell themselves about getting organized. Find the other posts in this series here.

Myth #3

I'll just pay someone or rely on someone else to keep me organized.

I love organizing. I love making order out of a mess. It truly lights me up. Trust me, I would love all my clients to just pay me to organize their spaces every day. Alas, this is not the ultimate goal of a Professional Organizer.

The ultimate goal is creating better spaces, more functional systems, and reducing frustrations. And for that to happen successfully, it is necessary for the client to give input, engage in the process and learn the systems.

Is it OK to hire help or rely on someone to support you through the process? Yes! Is it even OK to pay someone to maintain the system for you once it is set up? Yes! But if you are not actively engaged, if you are not "on the team" you'll be spinning your wheels and wasting your money.

Are you ready to be on the team and get organized?

Want to learn more about how a Professional Organizer help? Contact me to get started!

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